Sunday, 24 December 2017

WWE Clash (of Champions) 2017

WWE Clash of Champions

Live on Pay Per View from the TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts, on Sunday 17th December 2017, WWE entered its final PPV of the year. Given to  the Smackdown brand, would WWE once more settle for conformity and repeats or start to shape the new year with a wholesome appetiser? WWE Clash of Champions has been shortened to WWE Clash, where Clash of Champions usually features EVERY match as a title on the line. Meh. Let's find out.


Flabby Roode.
Dolph Ziggler finally climbed the mountain and defeated Baron Corbin, in a good effort but pointless hand me down pandering to lift the United States Championship in a Triple Threat. Bobby Roode was also in this triple threat as another of Triple H's TNA cast off add-ons. Roode was highly out of his depth, had zero charisma or personality and is just the same as TNA fodder in WWE. Transitions on moves were awful and simple filler with all slowed down gimmickry and laughable interactions. How WWE think this is glorious success in waiting is somewhat baffling. No one cared.

World Class talents.
The Uso's retained their Smackdown Tag Team Championship, Fatal 4 Way, Tag Team foray in a cracking battle, largely helped by the team of Rusev and Aiden English in a four way with New Day's Kofi Kingston and Big E and odd ends Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin.

Returning the Charlie Hass/Shelton/Team Angle nonsense, added with New Day laughs (hmm) the match was highly upheld by the sheer quality from The Uso's and Rusev and Aiden English. The latter pair have come into their own despite being the WWE 'odd couple' pairing like Cesaro and Sheamus (when creative don't bother giving you anything and hate you, but fans and critics see the talent on offer). It makes WWE look solely embarrassing. Both teams really shone and made the other two throw ins seem more capable in a multi man match than they would sink on their own.

Gable also suplexed both Rusev and English where English almost landed on his neck, which could have caused serious problems for WWE, and an unsafe working environment. Gable should take more care after almost paralysing someone in the ring with sloppy action. 

Both of them need a super hot feud and as we have said for years Rusev is super over and has the potential to be a honourable man with English, who can more than carry himself despite WWE's hate of getting yourself over on talent alone than WWE's silly angles that claw it down. 

Don't let your eyes go lopsided.
Charlotte Flair predictably downed Natalya to keep the worthless Smackdown Women's Championship, by her daddy's submission, in another guided and safely WWE booked match that was repetitively forgettable. The lockerroom ladies, all handful of 'em, were Lumberjackjills.

The Bludgeon Brothers, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan, dropped Breezango, Tyler Breeze and Fandango, in another nothing Tag Team match. The Bludgeon Brothers (must have taken five minutes for WWE to think that one up) are just not working in any situation from WWE's lacking laziness. It was finished in under two minutes. Harper and Rowan looked like boring fools and Breezango looked even bigger chumps once again. No one won.

Up next was another Tag Team, Special Referee's match reminiscent of a Smackdown supershow than an actual PPV. Roly Poly, wife cheating (allegedly) and whining windbag of no skill and ratings dropper of three years handed every title by his friend Triple H, Kevin 'moaner' Owens teamed with his ever trusted sidekick Sami Zayn. Daniel Bryan AND Shane McMahon were special referees. After going into business for themselves last month and abusing the show to try and seem relevant, Zayn and Owens would be 'fired' of they lost. Unfortunately they won. WWE missed another trick there.

Resembling a team of late night janitors trudging through the sludge they created, was met with opponents in the jobbing for ignorance hires who can't materialise, Randy Orton and another fandom favourite of Triple 'no business acumen' H, Shinsuke Nakarmura. This project on all three has already failed but WWE aint gots no options left. How sad for them. Attendance is at its lowest ever, int it?

Here's a sexy picture of Randy Orton,
the five star worker,
 just to keep you entertained.
Recent TNA flunkie made WWE champion, acrobatic flyer AJ Styles once more retained in a worthless WWE Championship main event against Indian Summer TV project for Indian market expansion failings, namely Jinder 'Canadian, steroid abuser, terrorist themed' Mahal and The Singh Brothers. 

Mahal's personal toilet brush holders and Styles' mosquito jumping lunacy as the new John Cena with five moves was another jovial embarrassment for a company supposed to be leading the way in 'sports entertainment' and crashing with the waves tremendously through its own bitterness. 

No one can do (or replicate) what I can do. Should have got with the program, honey.

WWE Clash was more of another Smackdown episode that had a special third hour. It was exhausting, boring, repetitive of all year PPV and just random filled with WWE favourites numbing down its talent for in-house favourites the audience hated to see the first time around.

Have the ratings dipped? Are the stands in the arena empty? Does Triple H ever learn to shelve his imbecilic ego of ignorance hires, with his nasty wife joining his bullying campaign and Vince McMahon appeasing them to make a quick buck? Business for WWE is as usual. Down the pan. Its no wonder the stars already there are contemplating leaving WWE altogether or taking breaks. Even its staff are fed up with WWE's moron management. All to try and outdo the man who made them a modern success that just eats at their ego, instead of working together with, Max Waltham. 

Fans have bailed and they are the only ones with any sense, it would seem. All that's left is the Indy darlings who hope, cry, whine and wish for some cuddly teddy bear to hold onto. WWE's media and PR management is at its worst ever that rips into the programs and don't see how alienating they are, comprised with the McMahon's on air trying to salvage some attention fans believe they have zapped from all the fun.

Even in the background, whiny Kev fugly
ruins everything with zero class.
Cheap and tacky copies of Daniel Bryan's catchphrase (derived from Max Waltham once again), thrown together tag teams once again like three years ago, test subjects, steroid abusers and sex fuelled porn stars as champions or height of programming can't even attain an audience. WWE really haven't seen or been bothered to realise just how damaged their product has become, all down to the airhead era of Triple H and his media toting obsessive wife, Stephanie McMahon, who once had high hopes and sold herself off to the highest bidder. Sounds like a street corner fares better.

Boring, useless and empty. Expect much more worseness in 2018. 2017 drought of ignorance in WWE was only the start for the cascading waterfall of sewage to tumble down at the harshest of speed. Though, that's their problem now, isn't it? 2018 is going to rapidly decline. Pull out. We did tell you last year. Guess what? We were right, as always. 

Verdict? Another boring waste of time and zero entertainment. Go do something better with yours.

Happy New Year.

You're Welcome.

PPV  Rating - 1/10

Men/Women of their matches - Baron Corbin, Rusev, Natalya, Fandango, Randy Orton, No one was good enough.

Man/Woman of the PPV - Rusev

© Max Waltham 24th December 2017
All Rights Reserved