Wrestling Legend 'Rowdy'
Roddy Piper passes
away age 61
Wrestling legend 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper passed away at the age of 61 after suffering a heart attack on Friday 31st July in his sleep.
Piper, known as Roderick George Toombs had survived previous battles with cancer.
The wrestling veteran, named as the best villain in the business, known for his charismatic Scottish portrayal earned the Canadian legions of respect from fans, experts, insiders and staff. Many regard the legend as the best superstar of all time lagging behind The Undertaker, but leading the front as the most entertaining bad guy in wrestling ever.

Piper received a fitting tribute at the opening of Monday night Raw the following week from his passing. He received a deserving 10 bell salute, only one month after the loss of another great in the late Dusty Rhodes. The WWE roster wore T-Shirts as a mark of respect, but was found to be in bad taste later among the program with its levels of oversell than respect for the fallen veteran.
Piper had notorious feuds with heavyweight champion Hulk Hogan, celebrities including Mr.T and the originator of a new age of wrestling movement, rock chick Cyndi Lauper, with the assistance of Captain Lou Albano often at her side.
UFC fighter and female favourite Ronda Rousey commented on the passing, where Piper had given her permission to use the 'Rowdy' part of her name, donated by Piper himself as a mark of respect to a growing talent in their field.
She said of the veteran- "I just want to say that we lost a really close friend, Rowdy Roddy Piper, who gave me permission to use his name as a fighter," she said after her 34-second win in Brazil. "And so I hope him and my dad had a good time watching this today."
Piper and his family, to which Wrestling Wonders sends its full condolences, have called for a worldwide tribute of silence during Piper's funeral. The ceremony will occur on August 11th in Oregon, at 10.30am that time. Everyone is encourageD to partake in a minutes silence, if not more, at that time to honour the great departed Piper.
WWE CEO and Chairman Vince McMahon led a glowing tribute of Piper too.
Roddy Piper was one of the most entertaining, controversial and bombastic performers ever in WWE, beloved by millions of fans around the world. I extend my deepest condolences to his family.
The shock passing comes after Piper was hounded by a company called Podcast One, who had been harassing Piper over a podcasting series he was most popular for, getting in trouble for a joke about 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. Austin, who did not like Piper and a comedian making a light hearted joke about him, as they did with others, forced Podcast One to cancel Piper's shows. WWE later dropped Piper swiftly from a legends contract to protect Stone Cold, who is fronting the promotion of WWE's new video game.
As any health professional knows, copious amounts of stress to one person among a time of instability and hounding can lead to greater health problems and has been vividly linked to cardiac arrests and other coronary conditions leading to passing. Podcast One, Steve Austin and WWE all bear a shoulder of blame here, whether they like it or not. While no one else will discuss the issue, WWE, not as mild as the other two fully involved, share a level of responsibility.

For WWE, it should do right for once by Piper and install its level of aftercare more prominently by distancing itself from all problems occurring or growing. That includes the already known ignorant abuser Steve Austin. WWE will need to ask themselves one question. Is monetary greed to sell some random thing soon to be the past really worth it when it destroys the legacy WWE built its house upon? WWE need to distance Austin from its game and cancel the podcast indefinably, for good. Though WWE have installed Austin for bragging rights to sell a video game, WWE do not need Austin to sell it, even if he is the feature. Plus WWE should think about who and how it manages its future products, even in brainstorming sessions. Austin already has a negative reputation and now WWE have agreed to partner with him in what is extremely disgraceful attitudes. Fans can play their part by boycotting the video game and the casts, too. neither of them are actually great anyway, are they?
For WWE it needs to establish a new age of respect, not bland favourites on its own ego, which is growing at a dangerous rate for the company's self-destruction to a future product. WWE itself is becoming outdated, boring, bland, lacking characters and no skill or respect among its elite boast of superstardom entertainment. It needs to re-assess itself and its attitude, regardless of 'I like them' hires for a random act of desperation to sell a minor thing. A major superstar has fallen and your contributions have played its part. Maturity with respect may well be its future requirement to regain.
Piper, among all the other greats gone and soon to go, deserve that much. So do the fans, experts, stars and business. Sidestep the ego and think about someone other than yourself for one moment, and you just might, get it right.
May one of the greatest legends of wrestling Rest In Peace.
© Max Waltham 06th August 2015
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