Buggy Nova
New signee Buggy Nova has been earmarked by WWE. Receiving a developmental contract being closely monitored by the corporation. Receiving initial try-outs on tapings for Raw at Anaheim and on Smackdown in Las Vegas a few weeks back, Nova has seemingly impressed enough to gain an eye on her.
Nova has also been seen in a recent commercial passed with Sheamus . Nova appears as Sheamus is joined with another Diva, Lizzy Valentine.
Her tryout matches were against AJ.
As long as she wrestles credibly, she may just be of interest to the division, rather than as the terrible eye candy piece who does nothing to please anyone.
So far, looks good. But look, as always is one thing, the credentials are another. Pics of Buggy look capable. Judge for yourself. J
© Max Waltham 15th February 2012
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