Raw Supershow Vince McMahon Returns!
Results & Review (10th October 2011)
Raw opens with Triple H, once again, addressing the WWE Universe. The Game is seen appearing through the bare backstage arena with no talent in sight.
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He came back too! |
Once among the ring, HHH claims he “works my ass off for all of (them)” regarding the audience in attendance. With the referee corned from last week stating “abuse” and Jerry Lawler believing someone is trying to “sabotage your job” all around the ring were paying the price, regardless.
Unfortunately no one received a parking lot brawl, even though we were told talent were “outside in the parking lot” No one was shown outside.
Triple H said he would never quit. Most have assumed he makes others quit instead.
He also said we could kiss him where his cheeks meet. No Thanks, your not the appeal the WWE Universe is after. Many following WW will know whom is of interest in those departments.
Same 2 men |
John Cena was then the first to return and break the pact. His excuse for being there was for the WWE fans, as HHH also stated. Surely as the “lockeroom leader” portrayed, Cena should have been leading the revolution and sticking to his morals of seeing the situation through. Instead, Cena said his morals of loyalty, which has been broked numerous times over the consecutive months of PPV since Wrestlemania, most vividly, he claimed he would stay for the fans.
If he respected the masses, he would’ve remained ‘off’ TV.
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Just like the action figure... |
Cena was upset as HHH didn’t send him a text and claimed he was brutally attacked. Give it a bloody rest, will ya! Hypocrisy at its finest. Cena, has been WWE’s golden boy for many a year, on a continuous level. Dropping a reference to Eric Bischoff aside, “you’re my boss. I’m staying” Cena retorts in his monotone essence.
At the 15 minute mark, Sheamus enters the fray. The plot looked rather weak and non descript at this point of programming. Sheamus asked Hunter, “What’s the craic?” Indeed.
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Up Yer Craic, Fella! |
3 minutes later, CM Punk came along. The speakers in the middle of the ring were rather prominent.
Triple H finally makes a decision. Seeing as there are no ref’s around, he will take duty once again in that role for the match, being John Cena V Sheamus. CM Punk was placed on commentary, which made him look ridiculous in how excited he was receiving the role. Taking a cartoony glee of happiness to comment, he even asked to wear Triple H’s jacket. Did the coat have ‘special powers’ we all may be unaware of?
This spot could’ve been unused to promote a new batch of stars than the old. If Cena and Punk stood up for what their WWE character’s believed in, standing outside with the rest of the roster, a handful of new stars could have had the match and highlight of a full match before the next angle to come. Air time, speech and persona building would have made the Universe take note of just a few new, select stars, seeing as the angle was due to end, it would not have harmed the product, only enhanced it further with a newer found respect.
Sometimes, the older guys need to be willingly to sidestep and allow others to grow, because, if you don’t the veterans will have no one to challenge in a year or so neither, and become pointless. Only Orton and slightly Punk conform to this practise.
Halfway through he Cena/Sheamus ‘match’ Vince McMahon finally returned to television, as predicted. McMahon, having the last laugh, told the COO, Triple H, whom he said, didn’t want the job anyway as he “never asked for it in the first place” told Tripper that it was officially over. Having his services, “no longer required” Triple H was replaced by a interim General Manager of Raw.
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No longer needed.... |
WWE are looking for a GM whom has “ethics, morals and beyond reproach”. You can contact at maxwaltham@hotmail.co.uk , or @MaxWaltham on the Twitter. It’s pretty much a given, isn’t it? Send the email now :D .
Until them the interim GM, was announced. Vice President of Talent Relations, John Laurinaitis took the role. It may just be Mike Adamle part 2.
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Filling in for Max Waltham |
JL was allowing the WWE brass back inside the arena. John Morrison took a rather cheap shot at the newly in post acting GM, telling him “You Suck!” Whilst this is ironic, Christian, next in line behind JoMo, was asked to face the aforementioned, in his general clothes no less.
This took us up to 38 minutes with just 1 minute of wrestling time.
Michael Cole reappeared, claiming to be bigger than Erin Brokovich and a modern day Gandhi. What an insult.
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I said new attire but not jeans... |
So, Christian faced John Morrison in a job of ages. He was chaperoned by Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger. Triple H mentioned earlier possibly being stripped to his tighty whiteys if necessary. We were wondering if Rhodes would strip off, once more.
JR mentioned protesting to sound bites.
The Jo Mo match lasted roughly 2 minutes. So now we received 3 minutes of wrestling time, overall, with Sheamus/Cena.
Del Rio V Punk for tonight was announced.
Mark Henry then challenged Randy Orton, after a long start of beginning after commercials. Henry claimed he was the “most dominant champ ever”. Not forgetting Batista, whom was far more aggressive and a dominant powerhouse in the WW, at his time. Brock Lesnar was awful neither.
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Mason Ryan would have been far more productive in this role than Henry, though Orton claimed “Vengeance will be mine”, when Henry defends for a second time on PayPerView as World Champion.
Henry swung Orton into the turnbuckle. Shortly after this, he took another breather spot. A breather spot is when a performer such as Henry is blown up and tired or exhausted, mainly due to his lack of finesse, after doing barely anything powerful or intriguing and then taking time to gather breaths to struggle on to complete the match.
JR described Henry during this period as a “colossus”.
A champion booked as on the matt and out of it, is not something anyone can be proud of. It creates a mockery to the industry and these struggling to prove their worth to the company.
Just as RKO may have wrapped this one up, Cody Rhodes came to cost a distraction, which Orton immediately broke his hold of the World’s strongest man to halt Rhodes . Henry then smashed Orton with not one but two World’s strongest slams to win the match.
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Randy Oilton gets the Cross Rhodes |
The champion, needed another person to help him win, to top off his inability to be a standout champion.
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Rhodes lerches over his bagged prey |
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Rhodes is pressing his hands all over Orton's pectoral! :@ Be Jealous! |
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Orton got bagged! |
In a shock move, where WWE may have listened to WW, Tamina was booked for a match. With a potential chance to become a player for WWE Women’s division, it was taken away in an instant, as she was seen paired with Rosa Mendes. They never stood a chance. They fought a tag match against Bimbo Bimbo Kelly Kelly) and Eve.
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Blimey, it's Tamina! More please! |
Michael Cole made a massive error, when KK, smacked Rosa Mendes out of the ring. Cole said it was Tamina! Ingrate!
Eve did her moonsault to pin Tamina for a 1-2-3. Eve finally did something on WWE program over a 3 month period. N one was interested.
Johnny Ace returns to tell us in his first GM address, that he was a little nervous. No one had sympathy for him. Asking us to bear with him, were told Del Rio will fight Cena at Vengeance in 2 weeks. Another WWE Title re run.
You can expect Cena to win the WWE title once more before the end of the year, whtehr it is Vengeance or later.
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Cena will etch that name of once more, but what a package champion! |
With ethics, integrity and morals, Johnny Ace read from the Max Waltham handbook.
He then called JR to the ring. Under the script of Vince McMahon, in his home state of Oklahoma , Jim Ross was subjected to another firing. Ross left rather blasély
, as WWE has become tiresome with this humiliation angle.
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An empty seat... |
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Got Fired, again. Come work for WW! |
They fire him, yet they always call him back. Go figure. Cole then played the trumpets in a comedy goof moment that was the only hilarious thing on the show thus far.
A 6 man tag once again happened. This time Mason Ryan joined team Air Boom, Kingston & Bourne, to battle Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler with David Otunga taking a spot that could have been utilised by say, Michael McGuillicutty. You know. The talented one. Vickie Guerrero also joined her boys at ringside.
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Jack Swagger, placed in the 69'er :) |
Mason Ryan who last year, came from Ohio, is now fully acknowledge by WWE as coming from Wales, UK, as his hometown. Evan Bourne, after this standard match, won by Ryan and Air Boom, was down in the corner. Many wondered if this was a sell or an injury. Either way, he didn’t celebrate his win.
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Little n Large, Bourne on the outside, looking a lost lamb, poor thing |
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Raaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! She feels my pain! |
A video package was produced from “resident juggernaught” Brodus Clay. Clay hasn’t appeared on WWE TV since the 3 weeks his video package has been airing continuously. WW is pleased Clay is a prospect. WWE’s dilution of delay will, however, cost his run when he surfaces.
John Cena’s new film was announced, with a clip. Hmm, just before Survivor Series, when The Rock, Hollywood blockbuster movie star and wrestler, will return at the PPV to team with Cena in the classic 5 on 5 team matches.
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What part of this ISN'T champion? Wake up! This is IT! |
Alberto Del Rio tooted his horn, as Ricardo Rodriguez lingered his name. CM Punk, his opponent entered afterwards. A fair and nothing of interest match was brokered off by John Larry. The interim GM announced he had rehired not one, by two men. Chris Masters? DH Smith? No. It was the Awesome Truth, R Truth & The Miz, who cut a rap entrance very well, as a match was made. Punk and Del Rio would now team against these two returnees.
Added beautiful dropkicks in, too |
The tedious booking scheme of WWE reigns supreme. They used YouTube to ‘work’ the audience, as R Truth and Miz cut a promo as a Video posted online when they were “fired” and removed profiles from WWE.com No on believed the angle fully, but WWE had a go with it.
During commercials cutting the match flow of standard approach, Del Rio eventually decided to make a bold move. He left CM Punk to fend for himself in the match. Del Rio shortly before perfomed a beautiful dropkick upon a tag from the top turnbuckle to midsection.
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Alberto does a runner! |
With Punk on his own, RT & Miz had the match in their favour. WWE ended this match on a DQ. After a beatdown on Punk, someone came to his aid. Triple H, recently demoted Chief Operating Officer, assisted Punk and hammered left and rights down on both enemies.
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Werrre Baack! The Miz and R Truth return. Gleaming! |
Triple H, chose to join a man he supposedly, personally despised over the last few months. R Truth fled the barricades, as Miz headed to the back. Triple H will be returning to action on from this. At Vengeance Punk & HHH will team to Awesome Truth. Awesome Truth just lost at Vengeance. What a ‘comeback’.
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Made a return after a loss of job, too |
With only a week of the mutiny angle, WWE realising that no talent on hand for Raw would not be beneficial, decided to rush the angle to hurry McMahon back onto camera. Triple H stole the spotlight again. No new talent surfaced on Raw, bar Mason Ryan – whom was in a deadbeat tag match. How can WWE expect ratings to excel, especially with as GM who no one has interest in? WWE needs to pick it’s ‘Game’ up, as fans were severely miffed about this Raw supershow, including remarks of this company “never changes” alongside the same ol’ superstars and pointless JR firings.
Featuring 2 Disqualifications added an insight into the disrespect to the audience, and in hindsight the low figures. Hailed as being the “worst raw since last week” the Universe’s stars seem to be fading out quicker than WWE expects.
John Cena V Sheamus (No Contest, due to interruption)
Christian def. John Morrison
Randy Orton def. Mark Henry (via Disqualification)
Kelly Kelly & Eve def. Tamina & Rosa Mendes
Mason Ryan, Evan Bourne & Kofi Kingston def. David Otunga, Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler w/ Vickie Guerrero
Alberto Del Rio V CM Punk (No Contest, cue to interruption)
CM Punk {& Alberto Del Rio} def. The Miz & R-Truth (via DQ)
© Max Waltham 12th October 2011
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