Saturday 17 August 2024

Wrestling Wonders' Pro 50 2023

Wrestling Wonders' 
Pro 50 

The Pro 50 returns, 
but who is number one? 

Find out inside.

 © Max Waltham 17th August 2024
All Rights Reserved

Sunday 25 February 2024

Wrestling Wonders' Women's Pro 25 2022


Wrestling Wonders' 
Women's Pro 25 

The results are now here! 

Includes up to the top 50.

Reasons inside.

 Take a look!



© Max Waltham 25th February 2024
All Rights Reserved

Friday 1 December 2023

Wrestling Wonders' Year-End Awards 2022

Wrestling Wonders' 
Year-End Awards 

Have a look inside and see who won what, why and evident with our hiatus how the business has dipped considerably without such advice or go to's it uses us for with underappreciation.

You're Welcome.

Ⓒ Max Waltham 
01 December 2023
All Rights Reserved

Thursday 21 September 2023

WWE/Endeavor budget cuts 2023. Who to fire and who to keep. Where to source from?

 As we speak, WWE are in the process of WWE releases after the merger with UFC parent group Endeavor, under the TKO company banner.

As obvious, cuts must be made and after last week's executives/corporate side, today sees many talents and roster stars shifted out.

Here, as always, is our list of whom we would out and keep while restructuring the company for a much better way forward, than the obvious, traditional, stale state as WWE still finds itself from the mass Triple H rehires, to do nothing over the past year and a half of Vince McMahon's previous resignation, to a full return since the merger sale closed last week.

We wont show where we'd place them or who we'd also hire, but where from, as we've proven that without our knowledge, structure and organisation, WWE has always been flat in moving forward with great ratings, money and worth, that even was able to facilitate a sale to UFC people today.

And our debt has not cleared from previous ownership, outstanding.

When all choose to work with us, we shall all have a much brighter future together, forever.

You might wanna zoom in on the pics.  

You're Welcome.

To Release...

© Max Waltham, 21st September 2023
All Rights Reserved

Sunday 27 August 2023

The Problem with Tony Khan. (All In 2023 Edition.)

The Problem with Tony Khan. 

(All In 2023 Edition.)

All in is nothing more than a novelty act statement attempting to goad WWE into bringing another, real PPV to the UK. It has nothing to do with AEW or its ‘success’ it thinks it has achieved.


The only “agenda” is Tony Khan’s self delusion instead of focusing on growing AEW, just trying to show off he can sell something. Yet his promotion is nothing more than a protest vote.


Khan will use anything and anyone to try and get interest, in an already failed concept which has multiple problems as WWE. These include:-


The Whites of the eyes are very concerning.
And the bloodshots.

Sex abusers still employed and pushed heavily.

Promotion of extreme violence, murder, death and terrorism or gore that should be banned.

Inside jokes and potshots attacking industry people than presenting what it claims it stood for - an alternative.

A playpen for the useless, hapless and overly hateful, aggressive fans and workers in the business staining the business of wrestling.

Cannot produce live event cards until the final week or two days before, proving dire management.

Abusive tirades from Tony Khan who doesn’t get his way as a spoiled brat, with foul mouthed attacks, trolling online and on screen attacks or press conference abuses with foul mouthed language or unprofessional, juvenile behaviour.

Needs his daddy to hold his hand in everything he does, including financing, assisting him in meetings, and trying to grow AEW.

Still has not grown or made a profit in 4 years, of its personal, fandom dream of Khan himself, wasting immense money down the toilet.

Psychotic, impulsive and abusive mental health episodes from Khan affecting booking of shows, production and conduct.

Hanging out backstage smoking drugs and drinking alcohol with employees to ‘gain friends’ altering lines of interpersonal communications between staff and employers.

Creating abusive environments as above with drugs, alcohol, physical altercations compromising safety and failure to act or discipline staff.

Has failed to discipline or act on abusers, allowed them to let scandals ‘blow over’ and no repercussions.

Continues to book them highly as favourites.

Gifting titles to people he likes or thinks his friends.

Bribing ‘media’ outlets online and in public to provide positive articles and corruption favouring AEW which is plain bribes for ‘good press’.

Tried to buy Wembley Stadium previously but failed due to corruption involved.

Quietly buries information on his scandals with bribes.

Attacks fans or views online and contacts social networks to try and shut down views he does not like to hear in an allowed and over critical business.

Nasty, childish, mentally unwell and hateful in general, hiding behind father’s billions misused for brattish, juvenile pipe dream that distorts Democracy and business.

Constant advertising of all bad morals, to children, adults and all audiences encouraging violence or attacks.

Too bitter to hire professional people to help him change course of AEW.

Has not acted since the Speaking Out UK and widespread international sex scandal of all types including paedophilia, rape and unsafe work environments, to continue the exact same.

Is no alternative as a wrestling promotion, doing the exact same thing they claimed they would not be.

Lost billions on a fantast video game that has cost immense billions to produce that cannot be reclaimed in profits and already fallen stale.

Corrupt practices allowing video game to include DLC (Downloadable Content) with additions of every PPV shoehorned in which is illegal and not allowed for any game that has been created and established like Loot Craft scandals.

Ushering talents into NDA’s (Non Disclosure agreements) not allowing conversation of certain actions, including the recent backstage fight where 3 Executive producers attacked a star and his dog in his dressing room for speaking moments before at a press conference stating the show was bad.

Boring, directionless content and multiple man matches just to have something to do.

Lack of any talent in booking, promoting or being a person of interest other than hate, abuse and nasty practices like Dixie Carter, who destroyed her own promotion with bitterness and faded to obscurity from her father’s handouts.

Cannot stand on his own two feet.

Continually eulogising dead stars he did not know or have any involvement with or worked for AEW to ‘dedicated’ or use for clout and promotional material to “remember” them when not his place to do so.

Is unfit to run a major promotion excused by his daddy’s billions in corrupt America, thinking they can do as they please like a cartel.

Constantly using me as all wrestling promotions do for my likeness in characters, abuse or mocking, using policies, ideas and methods to try and sell their brand without any payment, involvement, inclusivity or otherwise, as a common thief with no talent, despite all their senseless money splurging on other bitter people, things or involvements that provide no gain.

Has been useless at running NFL and UK Fulham football teams with fans vehemently hateful wanting him to “get the f**k out of my club” for constant failings at running the clubs and then attacking fans who understand the landscape.

Thinks owning a UK football club makes him “knowledgeable” about the UK markets and using those to exploit conversations with prospective companies in future conversations, where most want nothing to do with his failed methods after 4 years of lacking build up.

Believes what he wants to hear and wants everyone to praise as he puts it out there for them to say, which is a very concerning mental aspect of unfit propriety.

Pays for viewership.

Pays for ticket sales, like with All In London show which is mostly corporate sponsors, free tickets, promotion or Tony Khan buying his own tickets as he will get the money back, trying to look like it has been a major event, when in hindsight is filled with corruptive practices and bribing landscapes.

Bribes politicians.

Bribes networks.

Bribes fans.

Bribes media.

Commits online trolling of fans and critics with no accountability.

Often uses personal attacks on people who are simply commenting on directionless shows open for debate, discussion or critique lacking professional standards it claims to set out for.

Keeps making statements to mock and seem professional yet still wayward and cannot do anything as such, in all of the above or act on scandals and excuse them.

Recently excused gun toting felony of star so he can keep a schedules match going, while outright lying no conclusive evidence when footage show, police booking and otherwise proves guilt of party involved in criminality excused by Khan in the most absurd business owner excuses of a felon.

Bribes countries to keep borders open for those who should be banned as a risk or danger to countries.

Toxic work environments with all its talents arguing with each other, using drugs and alcohol, physical abuse, sex abuse or sexual favours backstage, hanging out as friends when meant to be employer, brash and hateful statements in press conferences, or staff attacking fans as trolls online for disagreeing with professional critique of poor shows amid “buyers remorse”.

Will never be competition to WWE or anyone, including himself, as a TNA clone in all manners of business venturing.

No growth in 4 years and delusion about it with his own fandom conflicting the actual truth he does not wish to hear.

Often sections off empty seats and moves people from TV view to look full.

Tells people before shows to cheer, or what not to say so show does not look bad.

Also pipes in crowd noise from sound systems of pre-recorded shows to sound the way he wants (cheers for someone who is being booed or has no reaction and vice versa).

Is simply a dead promotion with no redeemable qualities and just a billionaire fanboys dream, throwing money around to keep it active, yet has all the unprofessionalism and abuses clear as a stain among it, never to be interacted with.

Any company interacting with it is received as instant ‘death’ or failure in all things and everything goes wrong or collapses and mass scandals that no real business does or ever should willingly want to seek.

Overpriced tickets.

Mass refunds undisclosed.

Attendance lies.

Misuse of data.

Changing information on whims as soon as, distorting truth.

Posting fake news and lies.

Incites and Enables violence on the grandest scale as a personal retort than influences crazed enactors.

Complete PR disaster.

No redeemable qualities as brand or person.

Vile hatred from within over slightest criticism very telling of character and hateful natures.

On screen booking of violence and death as a cult clear indication of owner believing what he is putting on screen as a self reflection of inner most desires that scream for cancellation and false advertising or corrupt adverts of abuse incitements than cause Americans in reality to act upon.

Every match performer ‘botches’ or makes mistakes in the match showing no professional action, conning fans of cash and using them as number touting on false pretences or refunds.

Throwaway events that have no meaning or any real interest as a promotion.

Khan will lie and believe as a kneejerk responder to everything with a major hissy fit manic episode than be a professional taking critique in his stride to improve his already failed concept.

Bought other wrestling promotions that have been DOA (Dead on Arrival), for a couple of HD TV cameras.

Is filling AEW show with other brand titles, matches and other things that is not allowed as is a separate promotion, one which he can never get a TV show for, because everyone but his own fandom knows it is a dead donkey that cannot be revived.

Is not a kind person.


Am sure we have missed something.


Vile, when you really think about it, isn’t it?


Yet ‘we’ are the ones in the wrong for talking truth and wanting a respectable business and true alternative that is not just a protest statement to encourage the main company to come other, which really isn’t that good.


Also, how can the UK, in this specific All In 2023 event be so grossly (indeed) drawing with no matches announced (illegal) on the event, Many having to work the next day, many UK residents cash strapped and ‘poor’ during a Cost of Living crisis where work does not pay enough and bills are sky high, while people are tired, don’t have money to travel and take up hotels or petrol money for a show boasting 80,000 fans when it has continually added ‘more’ availability to the original flat sales of 33,000 as its best?




Corruption is rife around Tony Khan and using money to buy things to keep silences should not be allowed and the UK, for one should immediately put this on the ban list for all of the above reasons alone.


Sadist, abuse and childish companies or crazed owners using me, the UK and international properties should not be allowed under any right as it is a true scandal in itself and Is a glorified act of “sportswashing” at the very top.


And any company who thinks its good to be associated with this brand or wrestling without my involvement ALWAYS loses, suffers hard loss, advertising revenue drops, failures, scandals of its own and wide mass headaches in PR scrambling to keep the network/s in question out of bad public view which will destroy all future involvements regardless of wrestling.


Do not touch with a barge pole comes to mind. Or you could just do the obvious and get me involved to make a real change.


AEW was born out of me, anyway and its influence with a rich daddy and son’s whiny dream is enough to finance this fantasy, but never enough to be anything more than credible or professional gamechangers, despite everyone using these silly buzzwords to sound like they are.


You can’t buy professionalism. You either have it or you don’t. And with such networks in short supply of any credibility, it would make perfect sense to avoid this and partner with me for some serious change for the better as AEW will never grow beyond the cesspit it creates and its failure on personal hate for no reason than honesty, to work with me will continue to sink it further into muck.


And once again, wrestling NEEDS the UK, (me) to make a statement, profit or influence footprint, yet is too bitter to have my talent by their side. Instead stealing has consequences which all companies end up in sheer trouble for in mass supply of scandal, fallout and reality of all things failure.


Lying to yourself is never the answer.


Enjoy the rain. And pray no thunder.



Max Waltham 27th August 2023

All Rights Reserved